Auto Immune Diseases

This is where the body’s immune system attacks itself instead of foreign antigens, causing inflammation, pain and disability.

Different target organs are involved: the gut in ulcerative colitis and crohns disease, the nervous system in multiple sclerosis (MS), the joints in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the skin in sarcoidosis to name a few.

The conventional approach is to dampen down (suppress) the immune system with very strong drugs all of which have major side effects. Tragically, diet is almost never mentioned in the medical approach. In fact, it is common to hear a person who has been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease say they were told that they could eat what they like because diet has nothing to do with the cause of the illness and therefore nothing to do with its management.

In almost all cases of various auto-immune illnesses we have seen over the years, substantial improvements have invariably been
experienced. In every case, dietary changes were the cornerstone of the person’s improvement.

In more severe cases, therapeutic fasting has also been a key component of the recovery.

Obviously, the earlier the commencement of the dietary changes the greater chance of complete recovery. Conversely, the later the
commencement, the less chance. However, in all cases we have seen, there has been noticeable improvement in overall health.

In many cases, complete resolution of symptoms is achieved, to the delight of the patient and the disbelief ot their doctor.

There are a number of excellent websites which are valuable resources relating to diet and auto-immune diseases: