Childhood Illnesses

The science today is clear and; unequivocal: we don’t have to endure most common illnesss and diseases as we age.

The human body is self-repairing, self-healing and self-developing.Indeed, these principles govern all life-forms.

These profound principles have been supported by modern science and; verify what natural health advocates have been stating for centuries: “vis medicatrix naturae” or the healing power of nature.

The same as health requires many factors, so does disease. The causes of diseases are multi-factorial.

Most of these factors are within our own control. That is, we can change them by modifying our own habits and; behaviors. What are these modifiable factors? The quality of our nutrition, exercise, how we cope with stress and pressure, our rest and sleep patterns, our stimulant habits such as caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and; other drugs, are all things we can do something about.

Included here would be our contentment/happiness level and; the quality of our relationships, both with family and; friends.

There are a few factors over which we have no control: our genes, our infancy and; childhood and; accidents.

We know from experience that by modifying the factors over which we have control, and; accepting those over which we have no control, most chronic diseases can be significantly improved, if not completely reversed.

By applying the principles taught at our Health for Life Centre, not only can you prevent most diseases, you can also reverse them.

If a person is sincere about their health and; are willing to implement our time-proven suggestions, noticeable improvement is a predictable outcome. Please contact usfor your first consultation.